Tuesday 9 December 2008


These are my final 3 pictures which I made for the assembly. They are all done in 3ds max. The Textures mostly were done by me, only textures for trees are downloaded from the internet and other sources. Before I started modelling I imagined that I was doing a small gallery pictures. "December", "July" and "The first of November" these are the months and topics I have chosen for my assembly. Even wonderful 3D models, lighting and textures will not help if the overall scene does not look good and interesting. When I design any picture I take under the consideration many things. Because I wanted to present my three pictures in the same way, so it was more difficult. I had to pay more attention to lighting, colours, and composition. the compositions is the most important element here. It connects all pictures together. July. July is a summer time. I didn't want to design simple beach with the sunshine. I was looking for something deep but also simple. The scene takes place on the lake. The most important are these two people on the boat. They are giving story to the scene. The environment with this light makes the picture more romantic.December. I wanted to do one picture which takes place inside building. I wanted this picture to have its own atmosphere. I did not pay attention to the story in this particular picture. Thanks for lighting the picture has Christmas atmosphere." The first of November". That was the last picture I have done for this module. From the other two that was the hardest one. I wanted to show this picture in a different way. I wanted this time something deep with strong metaphor. Every time people saying "what’s wrong with the colours?". Well this is how I imagine this day. I personally don't like it but if I had to do this again I wouldn't change anything here. I believe it looks how it should look. I don't really like describing my pictures. I prefer listening to others of what they think of them. I hope that you will find something interesting in my work.

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